Thursday 21 March 2019

South sudan

Salam Alaikum everyone 

Today we had some missionaries Janet & Phil come and visit us to talk about South Sudan. They live in the capital of South Sudan: Juba. They told us lots of thing and showed us lots of photos.
Some  cool facts they told us were:

  • they have 65 languages 
  • they have no power 
  • they have no sewage
  • a 100 pound note = 30 cents in NZ money!
  • they think that girls don't need to go to school
  • kids have to shave their hair when they go to school
  • When the barber shaved their hair they use a razor blade!
  • In south Sudan they are not used to white people so children are scared of us!
South Sudanese tribes have different marks on their skin, to get these when they are babies they have to cut their skin and when it's healed they keep on cutting until they're scars.

Their language is not written down so they have no alphabet. Janet made up a alphabet for them and she is translating the bible into Arabic the language they speak.

It is very dangerous to drive in South Sudan because of the war that is going on. so they have to fly in planes to travel. The war started in 2013 and then died it down. It got worse in 2016.

It was a very interesting chat and I can't wait to learn more about South Sudan!

   South Sudanese money

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